Intended to be the owner of the Account. An end client can be the ultimate owner of multiple accounts across fund or portfolios.
End Clients (v1)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
For more information on how to start using our APIs, please refer to the Getting Started guide.
SEI's API products have various environments available depending on your stage of integration. The server URL should correspond with the environment of your application. Please refer to the Getting Started guide for a list of all environments and URLs.
Note For all Client applications, the Two-way TLS URL must be used. This is essential in order for the client server making API calls to establish a successful Two-Way SSL communication with SEI.
query Parameters
firstName | string The first name for the financial advisor, investor, manager, contact or third party. |
middleName | string The middle name for the financial advisor, investor, manager, contact or third party. |
lastName | string The last name for the financial advisor, investor, manager, contact or third party. |
prefix | string Prefix for a Third Party where Third Party is an Individual. Value for Prefix - Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr. |
suffix | string Suffix for a Third Party where Third Party is an Individual. Value for Suffix - Jr., Sr., Esq. |
classification | string Enum: "Individual" "Entity" Identifies whether the investor is an individual or entity. |
endClientName | string The unique business identifier for the End Client. |
externalId | string Unique business identifier that represents a contact, investor, product, transaction or alternate entity recognized by SEI and a third party system or application. Many times the externalId is used to synchronize SEI sourced data with another data source for the same record. |
active | boolean Designates whether the record is active (true) or inactive (false). Typically an inactive record is no longer referenced nor expected to be referenced on a regular basis. |
prospect | boolean Indicates if the end client is a prospect. |
prospectStatus | string Indicates the status of the prospect. |
changeStartDate | string <date> Last modified date for the record in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be used to target records modified on, since or between specified datetime. Date only is accepted and assumes a time of 00:00:00:0000. Datetime is Eastern Standard Time (EST). |
changeEndDate | string <date> Last modified date for the record in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be used to target records modified on, since or between specified datetime. Date only is accepted and assumes a time of 00:00:00:0000. Datetime is Eastern Standard Time (EST). |
createStartDate | string <date> Last change start date for the record in ISO 8601 UTC format. Can be used to target records modified on, since or between specified datetime. Date only can be accepted and assumes a time of 00:00:00:0000. Datetime is Eastern Standard Time (EST). |
createEndDate | string <date> Create end date for the record in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be used to target records created on, since or between specified datetime. Date only is accepted and assumes a time of 23:59:59:9999. Datetime is Eastern Standard Time (EST). |
systemIdName | string Name of the field from external system. |
systemIdValue | string Value of the field from external system. |
limit | integer <int32> Number of records per page. |
Request samples
- cURL
curl --location --request GET \ '' \ --header 'AppKey: YOUR_APPKEY' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESSTOKEN' \
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": [
- {
- "firstName": "John",
- "middleName": "James",
- "lastName": "Smith",
- "prefix": "",
- "suffix": "",
- "classification": "Individual",
- "endClientName": "John James Smith",
- "externalId": "IMS-123456",
- "active": true,
- "prospectStatus": null,
- "prospect": false,
- "createDate": "2019-11-06T22:46:06",
- "changeDate": "2020-03-30T11:47:14.8",
- "systemIdentifier": [ ]
}, - {
- "firstName": null,
- "middleName": null,
- "lastName": null,
- "prefix": "",
- "suffix": "",
- "classification": "Entity",
- "endClientName": "FEBFOUR",
- "externalId": "IS99905",
- "active": true,
- "prospectStatus": null,
- "prospect": false,
- "createDate": "2020-02-12T20:10:32.547",
- "changeDate": "2020-02-13T01:13:47.91",
- "systemIdentifier": [ ]
], - "paging": {
- "cursors": {
- "before": "5",
- "after": "6",
- "max": "1574",
- "last": "1150",
- "resultCount": 2
}, - "totalCount": 136,
- "limit": 2,
- "previous": null,
query Parameters
externalId | string Unique business identifier that represents a contact, investor, product, transaction or alternate entity recognized by SEI and a third party system or application. Many times the externalId is used to synchronize SEI sourced data with another data source for the same record. |
firstName | string The first name for the financial advisor, investor, manager, contact or third party. |
lastName | string The last name for the financial advisor, investor, manager, contact or third party. |
taxId | string Primary tax identifier for the Investor or Contact or Third party. |
entityName | string Name of End Client, if End Client is Entity. |
city | string The city of the address. |
stateCode | string The two character code for US and Canadian states and provinces. |
active | boolean Designates whether the record is active (true) or inactive (false). Typically an inactive record is no longer referenced nor expected to be referenced on a regular basis. |
changeStartDate | string <date> Last modified date for the record in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be used to target records modified on, since or between specified datetime. Date only is accepted and assumes a time of 00:00:00:0000. Datetime is Eastern Standard Time (EST). |
changeEndDate | string <date> Last modified date for the record in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be used to target records modified on, since or between specified datetime. Date only is accepted and assumes a time of 23:59:59:9999. Datetime is Eastern Standard Time (EST). |
createStartDate | string <date> Last change start date for the record in ISO 8601 UTC format. Can be used to target records modified on, since or between specified datetime. Date only can be accepted and assumes a time of 00:00:00:0000. Datetime is Eastern Standard Time (EST). |
createEndDate | string <date> Create end date for the record in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. Can be used to target records created on, since or between specified datetime. Date only is accepted and assumes a time of 23:59:59:9999. Datetime is Eastern Standard Time (EST). |
deceasedDate | string <date> The date that the third party is deceased (if applicable). Required date format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSS. Date only can also be accepted. Datetime is Eastern Standard Time (EST). |
politicallyExposedPerson | boolean Certification if the end client is a politically exposed person. |
employee | boolean Indicator that the investor is an employee. |
organization | string This is an internal identifier of the organization within our API management software. |
legalForm | string Enum: "Partnership" "LLC" "Trust" "Corporation" "Disregarded Entity" "Other" Identifies the legal form of the investor. A full list of values can be obtained through the Lists API. |
principalPlaceOfBusinessStateProvince | string Principal state of business of Investor provided on subscription document. |
principalPlaceOfBusinessCountry | string Principal country of business of Investor provided on subscription document. |
investmentObjective | string Represents the objective for investment in the account. |
riskRating | integer Indicates the investment risk rating of the account. It can be a value from 0 to 99. A value of 0 means the risk is not rated or specified. Value 1 is the lowest risk (most conservative) and value 99 is the highest risk (most aggressive). |
employerName | string Indicates the name of the end client's employer. |
globalId | string Unique business identifier within the firm for the portfolio. |
channelType | string Enum: "In Person" "Not In Person" "Digital" Certification of how the client interacted with the customer. Ex. In Person. |
sourceOfWealth | string Enum: "Earned Income" "Inheritance/Gift" "Business Ownership - Income Profits" "Investments" "Trust Beneficiary" "Settlements" "Lottery" "Unearned Income" Confirms the source of wealth from a customer opening an account. |
foreignOrDomesticPEP | string Enum: "Domestic PEP" "Foreign PEP" Certifies if a politically exposed person is a foreign or domestic politically exposed person, ex. Foreign PEP. |
typeOfPoliticallyExposedPerson | string Enum: "Head of International Organization" "Politically Exposed Person" "Relatives and Close Associates" Certifies the type of politically exposed person the end client is. |
pepDateIdentified | string Indicates the date the end client is identified as a politically exposed person. |
countryOfBirth | string The country that the third party was born in. |
organizationSubType | string Further describes the organization type of a end client that is an entity. Ex Local Agency. |
isExistingThirdParty | boolean Flag to determine if the third party is existing. |
systemIdName | string Name of the field from external system. |
systemIdValue | string Value of the field from external system. |
endClientType | string Type of End Client. |
natureOfCustomersBusiness | string Indicates the legal organization of the end client's business. |
limit | integer <int32> Number of records per page. Many responses have a maximum of 50 records per page. |
Request samples
- cURL
curl --location --request GET \ '' \ --header 'AppKey: YOUR_APPKEY' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESSTOKEN' \
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": [
- {
- "externalId": "IMS-123456",
- "classification": "Individual",
- "taxType": "SSN",
- "firstCountryofCitizenship": "US",
- "secondCountryofCitizenship": "US",
- "prospectStatus": null,
- "prospect": false,
- "gender": "Male",
- "employmentStatus": "Unemployed",
- "occupation": "Unemployed",
- "annualIncomeType": "Other",
- "annualIncome": "0.00",
- "annualIncomeCurrency": null,
- "lastNetProfit": null,
- "lastNetProfitCurrency": "USD",
- "incomeTaxBandRate": null,
- "maritalStatus": "Married",
- "active": true,
- "changeDate": "2020-03-30T11:47:14.8",
- "createDate": "2019-11-06T22:46:06",
- "politicallyExposedPerson": false,
- "employee": false,
- "organization": null,
- "legalForm": null,
- "principalPlaceOfBusinessStateProvince": null,
- "principalPlaceOfBusinessCountry": null,
- "investmentObjective": "",
- "riskRating": null,
- "employerName": null,
- "globalId": null,
- "channelType": null,
- "sourceOfWealth": null,
- "foreignOrDomesticPEP": null,
- "typeOfPoliticallyExposedPerson": null,
- "pepDateIdentified": null,
- "countryOfBirth": null,
- "isExistingThirdParty": false,
- "organizationSubType": null,
- "endClientType": null,
- "natureOfCustomersBusiness": null,
- "address": [
- {
- "type": "Legal",
- "attention1": "Test",
- "attention2": null,
- "addressLine1": "Test",
- "addressLine2": null,
- "addressLine3": null,
- "addressLine4": null,
- "city": "Test",
- "stateCode": "PA",
- "postalCode": "99999",
- "countryIsoCode": "US"
}, - {
- "type": "Mailing",
- "attention1": "Test",
- "attention2": null,
- "addressLine1": "Test2",
- "addressLine2": null,
- "addressLine3": null,
- "addressLine4": null,
- "city": "Test2",
- "stateCode": "PA",
- "postalCode": "51515",
- "countryIsoCode": "US"
}, - {
- "type": "Tax",
- "attention1": "Test3",
- "attention2": "Test3",
- "addressLine1": "Test3",
- "addressLine2": null,
- "addressLine3": null,
- "addressLine4": null,
- "city": "Test3",
- "stateCode": "PA",
- "postalCode": "78787",
- "countryIsoCode": "US"
], - "pii": {
- "entityName": "John James Smith",
- "prefix": "",
- "firstName": "John",
- "middleName": "James",
- "lastName": "Smith",
- "suffix": "",
- "taxId": "123-45-7896",
- "countryofDomicile": null,
- "birthDate": "1989-10-03T00:00:00",
- "deceasedDate": null
}, - "attributes": [ ],
- "systemIdentifier": [ ]
], - "paging": {
- "cursors": {
- "before": "1",
- "after": "1",
- "max": "1574",
- "last": "1150",
- "resultCount": 1
}, - "totalCount": 136,
- "limit": 1,
- "previous": null,
header Parameters
content-type required | string Valid value is application/json. This defines the content type of the request payload accepted by the API. |
Request Body schema: application/json
externalId | string Unique business identifier that represents a contact, investor, product, transaction or alternate entity recognized by SEI and a third party system or application. Many times the externalId is used to synchronize SEI sourced data with another data source for the same record. |
classification | string Identifies whether the investor is an individual or entity. |
object | |
entityName | string Name of End Client, if End Client is Entity |
taxId | string Primary tax identifier for the Investor or Contact or Third party. When used in a search, is the full digits or characters, less special characters and spacing. |
taxType | string Investor's tax type as indicated on the tax form. A full list of tax types can be obtained through the Lists API. |
firstCountryofCitizenship | string Primary citizenship country for Third Party. |
secondCountryofCitizenship | string Secondary citizenship country for Third Party |
countryofDomicile | string The domicile country of Third Party when they are an organization |
birthDate | string Date of birth or date of formation in the format MM/DD/YYYY. |
dateofFormation | string Birth Date or Date of Formation of Investor provided on subscription document. |
gender | string Identifies the gender of a Third Party where Third Party is an Individual. |
employmentStatus | string Identifies the Employment status of a Third Party. |
occupation | string Identifies the occupation of a Third Party. |
annualIncomeType | string Identifies the Annual Income Type of a Third Party. |
annualIncome | string Annual income of the Third Party |
annualIncomeCurrency | string Indicates currency of Annual Income for Third Party. |
lastNetProfit | string Identifies the Last Net Profit of a Third Party. |
lastNetProfitCurrency | string Identifies the Last Net Profit Currency of a Third Party. |
incomeTaxBandRate | string The income tax band rate of the Third Party. |
maritalStatus | string Indicates the Marital Status of the Third Party |
ProspectStatus | string Indicates the status of the Prospect |
prospect | string Indicates if the end client is a prospect |
active | boolean Designates whether the record is active or inactive. Typically an inactive record is no longer referenced, or expected to be referenced, on a regular basis. |
Array of objects (EndClientsAddress) |
Request samples
- Payload
- cURL - Individual
- cURL - Entity
{- "externalId": "string",
- "classification": "string",
- "name": {
- "prefix": "string",
- "firstName": "string",
- "middleName": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "suffix": "string"
}, - "entityName": "string",
- "taxId": "string",
- "taxType": "string",
- "firstCountryofCitizenship": "string",
- "secondCountryofCitizenship": "string",
- "countryofDomicile": "string",
- "birthDate": "string",
- "dateofFormation": "string",
- "gender": "string",
- "employmentStatus": "string",
- "occupation": "string",
- "annualIncomeType": "string",
- "annualIncome": "string",
- "annualIncomeCurrency": "string",
- "lastNetProfit": "string",
- "lastNetProfitCurrency": "string",
- "incomeTaxBandRate": "string",
- "maritalStatus": "string",
- "ProspectStatus": "string",
- "prospect": "string",
- "active": true,
- "address": [
- {
- "type": "string",
- "attention1": "string",
- "attention2": "string",
- "addressLine1": "string",
- "addressLine2": "string",
- "addressLine3": "string",
- "addressLine4": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "state": "string",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "countryCode": "string"
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "returnValue": {
- "externalId": "SJ0706",
- "name": {
- "firstName": "Sophia",
- "middleName": "Joan",
- "lastName": "Jones"
}, - "prefix": "Ms.",
- "classification": "Individual",
- "endClientName": "Sophia Joan Jones",
- "active": true,
- "prospectStatus": "N/A",
- "prospect": true,
- "globalId": "9990-INS-1707"
path Parameters
externalId required | string Unique business identifier that represents a contact, investor, product, transaction or alternate entity recognized by SEI and a third party system or application. Many times the externalId is used to synchronize SEI sourced data with another data source for the same record. |
header Parameters
content-type required | string Valid value is application/json. This defines the content type of the request payload accepted by the API. |
Request Body schema: */*
classification | string Identifies whether the investor is an individual or entity. |
object | |
entityName | string Name of End Client, if End Client is Entity |
taxId | string Primary tax identifier for the Investor or Contact or Third party. When used in a search, is the full digits or characters, less special characters and spacing. |
taxType | string Investor's tax type as indicated on the tax form. A full list of tax types can be obtained through the Lists API. |
firstCountryofCitizenship | string Primary citizenship country for Third Party. |
secondCountryofCitizenship | string Secondary citizenship country for Third Party |
countryofDomicile | string The domicile country of Third Party when they are an organization |
birthDate | string Date of birth or date of formation in the format MM/DD/YYYY. |
dateofFormation | string Birth Date or Date of Formation of Investor provided on subscription document. |
gender | string Identifies the gender of a Third Party where Third Party is an Individual. |
employmentStatus | string Identifies the Employment status of a Third Party. |
occupation | string Identifies the occupation of a Third Party. |
annualIncomeType | string Identifies the Annual Income Type of a Third Party. |
annualIncome | string Annual income of the Third Party |
annualIncomeCurrency | string Indicates currency of Annual Income for Third Party. |
lastNetProfit | string Identifies the Last Net Profit of a Third Party. |
lastNetProfitCurrency | string Identifies the Last Net Profit Currency of a Third Party. |
incomeTaxBandRate | string The income tax band rate of the Third Party. |
maritalStatus | string Indicates the Marital Status of the Third Party |
prospectStatus | string Indicates the status of the Prospect |
prospect | string Indicates if the end client is a prospect |
active | boolean Designates whether the record is active or inactive. Typically an inactive record is no longer referenced, or expected to be referenced, on a regular basis. |
Array of objects (EndClientsAddress) |
Request samples
- cURL - Individual
- cURL - Entity
curl --location --request PATCH \ '' \ --header 'AppKey: YOUR_APPKEY' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESSTOKEN' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "name": { "firstName": "Sophia", "lastName": "Jones" }, "classification": "Individual", "active": false }'
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "endClientObject": {
- "name": {
- "firstName": "Sophia",
- "lastName": "Jones"
}, - "classification": "Individual",
- "active": false,
- "externalId": "SJ0706"
query Parameters
externalId | string Unique business identifier that represents a contact, investor, product, transaction or alternate entity recognized by SEI and a third party system or application. Many times the externalId is used to synchronize SEI sourced data with another data source for the same record. |
explanation | string Describes the nature of the certification. |
name | string The business description for an entity in the context of the API, sometimes called a proper name. A name can apply to a Calendar, Financial Institution, Investor, Account, Advisor and various other entities. |
value | string Describes the value that will be taken for the selected label. |
limit | integer <int32> Number of records per page. Many responses have a maximum of 50 records per page. |
Request samples
- cURL
curl --location --request GET \ '' \ --header 'AppKey: YOUR_APPKEY' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESSTOKEN' \
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": [
- {
- "externalId": "SMTest2_22",
- "name": "BossBirthday",
- "value": "2/23/2021",
- "explanation": null
}, - {
- "externalId": "SMTest2_22",
- "name": "BusinessRiskCategory",
- "value": null,
- "explanation": null
}, - {
- "externalId": "SMTest2_22",
- "name": "FamilyRelationship",
- "value": null,
- "explanation": null
], - "paging": {
- "cursors": {
- "before": "225651",
- "after": "225653",
- "max": "300556",
- "last": "300550",
- "resultCount": 3
}, - "totalCount": 22,
- "limit": 3,
header Parameters
content-type required | string Valid value is application/json. This defines the content type of the request payload accepted by the API. |
Request Body schema: */*
externalId | string Unique business identifier that represents a contact, investor, product, transaction or alternate entity recognized by SEI and a third party system or application. |
Array of objects |
Request samples
- cURL
curl --location --request POST \ '' \ --header 'AppKey: YOUR_APPKEY' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESSTOKEN' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "externalId": "SMTest2_22", "attributes": [ { "name": "OFACCountry", "value": "No", "explanation": " " } ] }'
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "endClientAttributes": {
- "attributes": [
- {
- "name": "OFACCountry",
- "value": "Yes",
- "explanation": " "
], - "externalId": "SMTest2_22"
path Parameters
externalId required | string Unique business identifier that represents a contact, investor, product, transaction or alternate entity recognized by SEI and a third party system or application. |
header Parameters
content-type required | string Valid value is application/json. This defines the content type of the request payload accepted by the API. |
Request Body schema: */*
Array of objects |
Request samples
- cURL
curl --location --request PATCH \ '' \ --header 'AppKey: YOUR_APPKEY' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESSTOKEN' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "attributes": [ { "name": "OFACCountry", "value": "Yes", "explanation": " " } ] }'
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "endClientAttributes": {
- "attributes": [
- {
- "name": "OFACCountry",
- "value": "Yes",
- "explanation": " "
], - "externalId": "SMTest2_22"
query Parameters
externalId | string Unique business identifier that represents a contact, investor, product, transaction or alternate entity recognized by SEI and a third party system or application. Many times the externalId is used to synchronize SEI sourced data with another data source for the same record. |
investorExternalId | string Unique business identifier for the investor. |
externalRelationshipId | string Relationship ID for End Client/Account Relationship. |
primaryOwnerFl | string Identifies primary owner if joint account. |
ownershipPercent | string Identifies percentage ownership of End Client to Account. |
active | string Designates whether the record is active or inactive. Typically an inactive record is no longer referenced, or expected to be referenced, on a regular basis. |
limit | integer <int32> Number of records per page. Many responses have a maximum of 50 records per page. |
Request samples
- cURL
curl --location --request GET \ '' \ --header 'AppKey: YOUR_APPKEY' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESSTOKEN' \
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": [
- {
- "externalRelationshipId": null,
- "endClient": {
- "externalId": "APR_RLS_2",
- "name": "1111_EndClientName_2",
- "classification": "Entity"
}, - "investor": {
- "externalId": "APR_RLS_2",
- "name": "1111_Investor_Name_2",
- "classification": "Entity"
}, - "active": true,
- "primaryOwner": false,
- "ownershipPercent": 30,
- "ownershipType": null
}, - {
- "externalRelationshipId": null,
- "endClient": {
- "externalId": "APR_RLS_1",
- "name": "1111_EndClientName_1",
- "classification": "Entity"
}, - "investor": {
- "externalId": "APR_RLS_1",
- "name": "1111_Investor_Name_1",
- "classification": "Entity"
}, - "active": true,
- "primaryOwner": true,
- "ownershipPercent": 60,
- "ownershipType": null
}, - {
- "externalRelationshipId": null,
- "endClient": {
- "externalId": "VS_TEST417A",
- "name": "VS_TEST417A",
- "classification": "Entity"
}, - "investor": {
- "externalId": "Vs_TEST417",
- "name": "Vs_TEST417",
- "classification": "Entity"
}, - "active": true,
- "primaryOwner": false,
- "ownershipPercent": 100,
- "ownershipType": null
}, - {
- "externalRelationshipId": null,
- "endClient": {
- "externalId": "IS99902",
- "name": "FEB ONE",
- "classification": "Individual"
}, - "investor": {
- "externalId": "TEST",
- "name": "Test Investor",
- "classification": "Entity"
}, - "active": false,
- "primaryOwner": false,
- "ownershipPercent": null,
- "ownershipType": null
}, - {
- "externalRelationshipId": null,
- "endClient": {
- "externalId": "IMS-123456",
- "name": "Michael James Brophy",
- "classification": "Individual"
}, - "investor": {
- "externalId": "9990-II-ATDGNISE",
- "name": "testing data",
- "classification": null
}, - "active": true,
- "primaryOwner": false,
- "ownershipPercent": 75,
- "ownershipType": null
], - "paging": {
- "cursors": {
- "before": "1272",
- "after": "1242",
- "max": "1",
- "last": "4",
- "resultCount": 5
}, - "totalCount": 53,
- "limit": 5,
header Parameters
content-type required | string Valid value is application/json. This defines the content type of the request payload accepted by the API. |
Request Body schema: */*
externalRelationshipId | string Relationship ID for End Client/Account Relationship |
externalEndClientId | string Unique business identifier to identify the end client |
externalInvestorId | string This is an externally provided identifier for the investor. |
active | string Designates whether the record is active or inactive. Typically an inactive record is no longer referenced, or expected to be referenced, on a regular basis. |
primaryOwner | string Identifies primary owner if joint account |
ownershipPercent | string Identifies percentage ownership of End Client to Account |
ownershipType | string In the case of a jointly owned account, identifies the type of ownership the end client has on the account. |
Request samples
- cURL
curl --location --request POST \ '' \ --header 'AppKey: YOUR_APPKEY' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESSTOKEN' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "externalRelationshipId": "AFIFE2", "externalEndClientId": "APR_RLS_2", "externalInvestorId": "FIFETEST", "active": true, "primaryOwner": true, "ownershipPercent": 50, "ownershipType": "Individual" }'
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "endClientRelObject": {
- "externalRelationshipId": "AFIFE2",
- "externalEndClientId": "APR_RLS_2",
- "externalInvestorId": "FIFETEST",
- "active": true,
- "primaryOwner": true,
- "ownershipPercent": 50,
- "ownershipType": "Individual"
path Parameters
externalRelationshipId required | string Relationship ID for End Client/Account Relationship. |
header Parameters
content-type required | string Valid value is application/json. This defines the content type of the request payload accepted by the API. |
Request Body schema: */*
externalEndClientId | string Unique business identifier to identify the end client |
externalInvestorId | string This is an externally provided identifier for the investor. |
active | string Designates whether the record is active or inactive. Typically an inactive record is no longer referenced, or expected to be referenced, on a regular basis. |
primaryOwner | string Identifies primary owner if joint account |
ownershipPercent | string Identifies percentage ownership of End Client to Account |
ownershipType | string In the case of a jointly owned account, identifies the type of ownership the end client has on the account. |
Request samples
- cURL
curl --location --request PATCH \ '' \ --header 'AppKey: YOUR_APPKEY' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESSTOKEN' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "externalEndClientId": "APR_RLS_2", "externalInvestorId": "FIFETEST", "active": true, "primaryOwner": false, "ownershipPercent": 40, "ownershipType": "Individual" }'
Response samples
- 200
{- "data": {
- "endClientRelObject": {
- "externalEndClientId": "APR_RLS_2",
- "externalInvestorId": "FIFETEST",
- "active": true,
- "primaryOwner": false,
- "ownershipPercent": 40,
- "ownershipType": "Individual",
- "externalRelationshipId": "AFIFE2"